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December 08, 2008


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Pigeon on Thanksgiving? A new tradition in the heights.

Elizabeth Rouse

WoW! I wish I WISH! I see a lot of turkeys in midtown, but none of them have feathers. Instead of crows I hear people on their phones, "Can you hear me?". Instead of pecking at prey, I get the passing umbrella poking me in the eye. Instead of trees, I have light poles. Count your blessings commuter boy!


Goodness, what is that? If thats a NYC pigeon, I am completely scared!


That's interesting. Be glad you don't see deer crossing the street at night, or snakes while you're walking along a path, or alligators in the river!


Deer I've seen, snakes I can deal with, but alligators? No, thank you, my Georgian friend.

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