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January 07, 2009


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I had HEARD about this. I always wondered how he peed and pooped. I can't help it. The tape shows no evidence of any of that. Did they cut it out or was he just miraculous?

When I first came to New York I was staying with a friend. He was a room service waiter at the Marriott Marquis. He came home one day white as a sheet. I knew immediately something truly awful was wrong. He had been going up in one of the glass elevators to deliver a tray as a man passed by, falling to his death in the lobby. Apparently The Marquis' atrium is attractive to those who feel they have nothing to live for. They have an agreement with the press to keep the "jumper" news quiet. To make matters worse, it usually isn't a clean fall. The tiered balconies mean people bounce on the way down and body parts end up on several different floors. My friend said the final impact was a loud as a train wreck. This is obviously, some of the worst New York has to offer. I can't go in there without thinking about that.

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