Santa recently brought me the Almanac of New York City which is filled with facts that I find FASCINATING and which I will be flinging at all incoming groups and plastering all over this blog. For today, a potluck quiz of miscelleny:
--What is clearly the most popular name for boy babies in New York City? (The Almanac gives the years 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, and 1997-2005 and this name ranks first every single time.)
--What is the most frequently performed work at the Metropolitan Opera?
--What are the three best attended cultural institutions in the five boroughs? Hint: These were the only institutions with more than 1 million attendees in the year 2003. (2003? This almanac came out this year and the most recent records are from 2003?)
--Of the many skyscrapers we have in the city, which are the only four taller than 1000 feet?