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May 27, 2009


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lmao...it is like when I went to London a few years ago and Picadilly f*ing square was all quiet

Nancy M.

Wow, Robert! I'm shocked! I'm glad I saw Times Square before this happened. How can people take pictures of it now?

Michael M.

Now the Eptome of Tacky ! Those hideous ugly beach chairs have got to g. whatever happenned to Sex, Sophistication and Glamour ??? Tha Astor Hotel, the Latin Quarter? the Rivoli, the Strand, the Paramount ? Disneyfied and Guilianied, yuk !!! The energy is gone, the crowds on the sidewalk, the traffic, I miss it, and once again those ugly plastic orange and white tacky traffic cones. What about Greenery? How about trees, plants, if there have to be barriers.


You should totally do a gentrified Vanilla Sky scene for one of your videos...it would be hilarious!


The hustle and bustle of time square will be forever changed.

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