After a visit to the Conservatory Gardens in Central Park, a middle schooler, who loves to walk up in the front and talk, begins to ramble.
MIDDLE SCHOOLER: Those are nice. I'd like to go to the real Italy and see if it looks like that garden..
ROBERT: Well...
MIDDLE SCHOOLER: ...and the real France and the real England.
ROBERT: That would be a nice trip.
MIDDLE SCHOOLER: Where's the Garden of Eden?
MIDDLE SCHOOLER: Because that would be real nice to see.
MIDDLE SCHOOLER: What happened to it? Did they tear it down? That's sad. I wish they didn't tear it down, because I would've seen it some day. Would you want to see the Garden of Eden? What do you think is nicer? The Central Park garden or the Garden of Eden?
ROBERT: I like Central Park.
ROBERT: Because it exists.
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