According to the last census, whose dubious findings are currently being challenged by the city, here are the numbers for our five boroughs:
1--BROOKLYN--2,504,700 (71 square miles) With approximately the population of Chicago, Brooklyn alone would be America's fourth largest city.
2--QUEENS--2,230,722 (109 square miles) Queens, more populous than Houston, could also rank as America's fourth largest city.
3--MANHATTAN--1,585,873 (23 square miles) Manhattan, by far the most densely populated, is half the size of its closest rival, San Francisco, but nearly twice its population.
4--BRONX--1,385,108 (42 square miles) The Bronx has a slightly larger population than both #7 San Antonio (1,327,407) and #8 San Diego (1,307,402).
5--STATEN ISLAND--468,730 (58 square miles) Staten Island's growing population ranks between #34 Fresno and #35 Sacramento.
TOTAL: 8,175,133 (This is only 400,000 less than the combined populations of the next three largest cities--Los Angeles, Chicago, and Houston.)
Comparing NYC to state populations, the city as a whole would be the 12th most populous state between New Jersey and Virginia. (1 out of every 38 Americans is a New Yorker.)
Brooklyn and Queens would rank #36 and #37 between Nevada and New Mexico.
Manhattan (with only 23 square miles) is twice as populous as Alaska (with 663,268 square miles). The tiny island of Manhattan is home to more people than twelve states (Idaho, Hawaii, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Montana, Delaware, South Dakota, Alaska, North Dakota, Vermont, and Wyoming).
Ditto for the Bronx (with the exception of Idaho).
Staten Island is the only borough whose residents do not outnumber those of a state...but with a 10% growth rate, just you wait, Wyoming.
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